Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 94 in total

Online Donation


"Every Day" word collage

4nd Grade Class Art: Benson


K-1st Grade Brookside and LFP Elementary Pod

"WE ARE" By BKS 3/4 Grade Pod

3rd Grade Brookside and LFP Elementary Pod

$100 Gift Card to Swansons Nursery

Swansons Nursery

$100 Pagliacci Pizza Gift Card

Pagliacci Pizza

$25 Ivars and Kid Valley Gift Card

Ivar's and Kidd Valley restaurants

$25 University Book Store Gift Card

University Book Store

$50 Gift Card To Georgetown Brewing

Georgetown Brewing Co

$50 Peadlheads Gift Card


12 Growler Fills at 192 Brewing Co.

192 Brewing Company

1st grade auction basket - Bakin...

Families Brookside


Bronze Sponsor