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Custom Math Tutoring Session

Vicki Petiross Academic Support and Enrichment

A 90 minute personalized, Blue Jay themed math enrichment/tutoring session for a student and one or two friends.  We with play a variety of math games that stretch students' strategic thinking, computation skills, and problem solving. Using mathematics, students will save Lake Forest Park from vampires, outrun zombies, and save their friends from certain destruction. Session includes home extensions for continued skill practice through engaging puzzles and games for families to play together.

A 90 minute personalized, Blue Jay themed math enrichment/tutoring session for a student and one or two friends.  We with play a variety of math games that stretch students' strategic thinking, computation skills, and problem solving. Using mathematics, students will save Lake Forest Park from vampires, outrun zombies, and save their friends from certain destruction. Session includes home extensions for continued skill practice through engaging puzzles and games for families to play together.

A 90 minute personalized, Blue Jay themed math enrichment/tutoring session for a student and one or two friends.  We with play a variety of math games that stretch students' strategic thinking, computation skills, and problem solving. Using mathematics, students will save Lake Forest Park from vampires, outrun zombies, and save their friends from certain destruction. Session includes home extensions for continued skill practice through engaging puzzles and games for families to play together.